
I got a brain worm and finally made the hierarchy of safety controls, but for software. It's a thing I've wanted for a while. https://twitter.com/jennplusplus/status/1484292068654686212?s=20
I finished reading Implementing Service Level Objectives. Or, at least most of it. I skimmed the middle bits that are very focused on implementation because we're just not there yet. I feel like I'...
Culture Fit (jenniferplusplus.com)
I've started revisiting interview code challenges to clean up and complete them. The most recent one I had to do was a least recently used cache. As is basically always the case, I hadn't built one...
I wrote a blog post about better interviewing practices for software engineers. I've been interviewing actively for a few months, so it's a topic I've become deeply frustrated with. The reason it's...
I had a bit of time and energy, so I revisited that Ansible project. And I actually made some progress. I think Ansible is just failing to parse IPv6 addresses from an inventory file? At least that...
I'm working on encapsulating my personal infra (such as it is) with Infrastructure as Code tools. I'm a simple girl with little more than a blog, so that's basically just a small number of app serv...
The VM that runs my personal website is nicknamed jenniferplusplus-2016 😬. It's the 2nd such VM to do this basic job, which means I've been meaning to figure out how to properly manage that resourc...
I gave a talk for Women Who Code DFW Designing for Testability
I gave a talk for Women Who Code DFW A Guide to Using Github for Hacktoberfest
I spoke on a panel for General Assembly: Break Into Coding
I had a technical interview the other day that developed into implementing a Trie. If you're unfamiliar (I hadn't heard the name before), it's a tree structure with variable branches, where nodes a...